Tuesday, 7 June 2011

30 Day PHOTOGRAPHY CHALLENGE and Photo Fun- June 6

We had more electric storms yesterday which meant that we lost internet connection from about 5pm - hence no posting yesterday - but here are yesterday's photos for the June challenges.

Photo from a low angle

The good thing about loosing the internet is that I got two of the Sobretto tops I had started the other day finished and a summer dress. I will do a separate post boring you with more details of the tops and dress but for now here is a sneak view (from a low angle!).

Two Sobrettos and a dress

from a lower angle...

and from the lowest angle!

For the Photo Fun challenge the theme was books. As I spent a good part of yesterday sewing I snapped first my sewing books.

But then I got on a roll so I snapped

the pile of books in the sitting room waiting to be put away once the never-ending building work is done

the shelf of cookery books that I haven't been able to use for the last two and a half months as the builders destroyed our kitchen

the niche of little boy's books 

and, finally, the books that I would like to read this summer.

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