Friday, 17 December 2010

The madness of the last week of term

Obviously, when I said last week that I would catch up with the construction posts on my winter coat this week, what I really meant was 'next week is the last week of term before the Christmas holidays and I won't have time to breath, let alone post on my blog!!'

Along with christmas parties, ballet shows, the excitement of père noël hiding round every corner and decorating the house we have had coughs and colds, builders, plumbers, electricians (oh yes, les travaux continuent!) and the manicness of catching up on homemade christmas presents to contend with. Oh yes, and I have ten people for a meal tonight!

Despite, or maybe because, of this I have lots to showcase over the next week or so. The advent calendar continues and the to-do list slowly gets smaller.....and Christmas approaches.........

Here is a sneak preview of some of the things (in addition to the catch up on the coat posts - which are nearly done) you can expect to see over the next couple of weeks.

Hope you are all enjoying the build up to Christmas as much as I am - the holidays are nearly here!




1 comment:

  1. j'ai reçu la petite jupe : elle est superbe : merci beaucoup !!!

    *★JOYEUX★* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ •。★ NOËL ★ 。* 。
