Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Me-Made-June Days 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14

I have quite a lot of catching up to do - particularly on the photo challenge front - but here is the Me-Made June catch up - it will be short and sweet as I need to get out of the door but at least it will show you what I have been wearing - and yes, it has ALL been me-made!!!

Day 10

The sun was out and so out came a dress. Blue me-made dress as posted about in the sewing update yesterday.

Blue dress
In the evening we went to the theatre so I changed into the wide legged blue linen trousers and Liberty blouse.

Day 11

Same style, different colour. The Liberty floral dress also posted about yesterday.

Day 12

First outing for these blue shorts - based on the Ruby pattern from Burdastyle (more to come on the shorts). Teamed here with the Liberty blouse.

Day 13

Blue shorts again but this time with a Me-Made stripy tshirt.

Day 14

And, finally for this instalment, a newly made sundress - based loosely on the same pattern as the other two dresses shown earlier in this post - more details will come in the weekly round up.

 That's all for now folks!

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